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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Recently, there has been in uptick in positive COVID test in our community. Bethel has weathered the storm well because of our diligence in following certain guidelines. Please be reminded that we need to continue to follow the Shawnee County Guidelines. We ask that you mask in, mask out, and mask when moving about. Also, be diligent to social distance as much as possible. Remember to wash your hands frequently. Finally, if you feel ill, please stay home.

It has not been an easy year and I know that we all have different views on the effectiveness of some of the health protocols. My desire is for Bethel to continue to reach the needs of our community by being able to keep the doors open.

For the Kingdom!

Lovingly, Pastor Glenn

Brothers and Sisters,

Recently, we were informed by our governor that mask would be required in all public areas and gatherings. What does that mean for Bethel?

I have had several contacts this week with Shawnee County Health Department to get clarification on the mask requirement. What they told me at church it is not required but highly encouraged as long as we engage in social distancing. What they recommend is that we wear our mask into church and out of church but not during church.

Here are our recommendations:

·         If you feel sick, please stay home.

·         We encourage you to wear a mask in and out of the church, but it will not be required.

·         Please maintain social distancing of six feet.

·         Clean and sanitize your hands often.

Sunday, we will begin using the main glass doors for entry. Exit will continue through the west end doors. Teachers are responsible to help classes maintain proper social distancing.

·         The nursery will be open.

·         Toddlers thru 6th grade – East end of the basement.

·         7th thru 12th grade ( Pastor Drew) – Youth room on main level.

·         Young Adults - the Upper Room.

·         Adults (Dwight) – Multi-purpose room / Sanctuary. 

·         Senior Adults (Seth) – Yellow room next to kitchen in basement.

We will also have Toddler church and Elevate. Elevate will be in the East End of the lower level.  Our children’s teachers are not required to wear mask nor are the children. We will encourage kids to “bubble” around each other.

In all, I understand that there are varied opinions on COVID-19 and some of the restrictions imposed, but I do encourage each of you to treat each other with respect for the sake of the Gospel! Paul said, “Though I am a free man, I have become a servant to all, that I might win more of them!” (I Corinthians 9:19).


There are several ways you can continue to honor God with your tithes and offerings. You can give electronically, by mail, or by giving in a secure offering box that will be provided on Sunday morning.


ways to Worship with us

Please remember that if you are sick or in a high-risk category, we encourage you to continue to worship with us from your home via or join us on FB Live. 

Pastor Glenn

785-286-0467 Church Office

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